Denise, I am 8a/b where we are almost always in a drought situation.
I can recommend some things that I have growing here that will work for your zone.
I highly recommend oak trees. I would recommend looking at
local or native varieties.
For shrubs I can recommend Rosemary, an herb that becomes a shrub due to its growth pattern. I planted my transplant last year and it is two feet tall. Blue Sage and Autumn Sage are both beautiful flowering shrubs that pollinators like butterflies,
bees and hummingbirds love. I would say both of mine are in the 3' to 4' range.
There are many others that I have no
experience with.
Since you say you have Cedar, I would stay away from pears and apples due to Cedar Rust.
There is a native plum called something like Chickasaw??
Ask the county extension agent to recommend local or native varieties.
Plants will always need watering the first year and when they are showing stress. Otherwise I don't
water these plants.