I don't post much anyway, so not sure anyone would have noticed, but we are at the turning point in our move into a travel trailer for the winter -- I'll be disconnecting the computer in a few minutes. No room for it in the trailer, so it's going to a friend who really needs a home computer for her work. I may be able to check in once in a while from work, but since I'll be trying to accomplish the same amount of work in shorter hours (our new 'home' is much farther from town, so will be going to work two days instead of three), there won't be much time for checking forums.
Who knows what next year will bring -- I plan to buy a couple of acres of
land and build a roof to go over the travel trailer, but as Burns said, 'The best-laid plans of
mice and men, gang aft agley.' (Or something like that, LOL! Going from memory since I don't have the book in front of me!) Hope all your plans work out the way you hope they will -- and even better! And have a good Thanksgiving!