posted 5 years ago
I’ve never had or thought on mobile milking station. It just seems too much trouble.
I’m pretty sure you could do it if you wanted to, and of course, a lot of what and how you do will depend on your land and your situation.
My goats sleep in a shed at night, and spend the day in temporary paddocks throughout the place. This means that every morning I take them from their night shed, and we stop at the big barn where the ones that are milking get milked, and the ones that are not are waiting. Then, when we’re done milking, I take them to their day area. One or two in a leash, and the others would follow.
At night, I just let them loose, and they go to their night shed by themselves.
We’ve been, me and the goats, doing this for several years, so they’re all very used to the routine, and there are no surprises, usually. They like routine very much.