I have seen the theme elsewhere, in between the lines too, so better to have a dedicated place for it.
We are the species with the highest consciousness about pain and death, and I think it plagues us. I even see going vegan as a way to deal with sensibility to this topic. So when I see that it even causes problem for some persons to give animal remnants to hens, well they are not herbivores but real extended omnivores, even more than us!
My way out was to
reconnect with reality while looking at animals, and also to feel part of a life circle where we all
feed each other one day or another. Our way to burry really show me how separated we are from life and its cycles! I can understand burning in epidemics, though they also show me the problem of overpopulation.
Also, when I trained in somatic methods, I learned that when near death, we "
dissociate" and that it creates a natural anesthesia and even removes fear. Then it becomes less cruel to see a bird killing a
mouse, when you know that the biggest part of the emotional pain is projection, and that what we
Project is not what we think!