posted 5 years ago
I think wine caps would likely grow really well for you. I'm also Zone 9, and I started some beds in late February. Two were in total shade, one got 6ish hours of sun in the morning. The one receiving sun fruited first, in early May. The two in shade started fruiting a few weeks later, at the end of May. They seem like a very hardy mushroom, I did water them during the summer but mainly just when I wanted them to fruit. I'd hit them with the hose for about 30 seconds for a couple days, and they'd usually start fruiting by the third day. When I had too many mushrooms to deal with I'd cease watering and they'd stop fruiting 2 or 3 days after that. We don't really get any summer rain to speak of here, but I'd guess the summer temps are lower than yours (a day in the 70's is considered pretty warm) Nonetheless, the fact that they even handled a fairly sunny spot here makes me think they'd do fine in your shady spots.