This may be completely out there, and may have been total new age mumbo jumbo, but I need help finding an old article of scientific study.
Sometime within the past 15-20(maybe longer) years I read about a particular way of treating germinating seeds to affect genetic qualities. I cannot remember exactly, but I remember this particular method of treatment involving waves of some kind. I want to say it was using particular harmonic notes with a tuning fork, but it could have been electromagnetic as well. Anyhow, the claim was that this would "unlock ancient super-genes" or something to that effect. One example I remember in particular was corn that would grow 12 feet tall and have up to 24 ears per plant.
Anyhow, I remember almost immediately trying to revisit this article and not being able to find it. I was a kid at the time, and this has stuck around in the back of my mind the rest of my life.
Since I am finally at a point in my life where I could try to re-create this, it would be very nice to be able to find this again.
I know it sounds too good to be true, and may have been featured somewhere like the weekly world news, but I figured it was worth a shot.
Any help will be appreciated, and if this is the wrong forum for this, please feel free to move it where it
should be.