Hi. I just moved to the Orlando, Florida area and am seeking homesteaders and any possibilities of living at an intentional community and/or doing work-exchange. Anyone out here? Also looking for local raw milkers to connect with.
We're near Plant City FL and have a small permaculture focused farm. We have a small herd of water buffalo mainly for milk. Not sure if your still looking for a home?but we'd be very interested in taking with you! Message us here or our e mail is www.ecofarmfl@yahoo.com or 813 708 3179. I posted a few times on this site about us you could check out. Peace!
I'm down in Dr Phillips/SW Orlando, and am toying with permie ideas- very new to it all and working with an suburban yard. good stuff all around. hope you've settled in well.
Quite a few Permacultuist in your area and one book that might interest you is Gaia's Garden ' A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture' (second addition) by Toby Hemenway. On our farm it not as useful but I use it mainly for it's list of Permaculture Principals. Wonder if your at UCF? Anyhow thanks and yes after 20 plus years of applying these principals we're pertty settled in. Good luck!