What part of the world are you in?
Native northern pecans have a higher oil content and more flavor than the southern, easier to crack pecans. But southern pecans won’t grow too far north and northern pecans won’t grow too far south. If you are in a pecan growing region you can probably find a farm store that will crack them for you.
They are very nice trees and need little care most years. Fall webworms can be a problem.
The biggest problem with seedlings is that they can take up to 20 years to produce. I am not that patient. I have some that are about 15. No nuts yet. Another problem is that some seedlings will produce tiny nuts or just not be at all productive. I would really recommend planting at least two grafted varieties, then if you need a lot of trees you can plant some seedlings too. Make make sure the pollination times of the grafted trees overlap. Grafted varieties are not hybrids. They are just selected varieties grafted onto other pecan rootstock. The genetics don’t mix. This has been done for hundreds of years. If you don’t want to spend the money on grafted trees, you could plant seedlings and graft good varieties onto them.