My suburban building and homesteading blog
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
Minimum Activation Rate 0.50 GPM
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
The key to providing hot water at low flow rates with tankless water heaters is to match the combination of flow rate and temperature rise to fall within the range of the water heater's capacity. The other way is to have some amount of stored hot water (generally called a tank!) that can be used to accomodate low flow rates as well as provide for some amount of peaking capacity (which depends on the stored volume.)
My suburban building and homesteading blog
My suburban building and homesteading blog
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
Aaron Yarbrough wrote:
I'm thinking about installing a 2 gallon thermal expansion tank inline just before the shower to provide a little moderation between scalding and ice cold.
Aaron Yarbrough wrote:As a result the recent Texas winterpocalypse and my poorly insulated enclosure housing my water heater I have the the opportunity to revisit finding a tankless propane water heater that works under low flow conditions. I found the following post on the Green Building Advisor website. The following paragraph from the post sums up to solution:
The key to providing hot water at low flow rates with tankless water heaters is to match the combination of flow rate and temperature rise to fall within the range of the water heater's capacity. The other way is to have some amount of stored hot water (generally called a tank!) that can be used to accomodate low flow rates as well as provide for some amount of peaking capacity (which depends on the stored volume.)
I'm going to try out the Marey GAS 5L – 1.89GPM Liquid Propane Tankless Water Heater to see if the small unit works better for our needs.
Hello Aaron, I too lost my Bosch propane indoor tankless water heater in the Texas winterpocalypse of 2021, in Alpine TX. It's in a small guest house that we're about to rent, so I'm only now replacing it. What was your solution? We have low flow and a tiny space built just for tankless heaters, so I can't go the tank-heater route.
My suburban building and homesteading blog
Jessie Kelsch wrote:Good to hear! This one has a much nicer price than others I've looked at. Is it OK for indoor? (I suppose that's the vent at the top, to be vented through the roof.)
Does it have a pilot that stays on, and if so is that pilot sturdy? (i.e. do you have to relight it often)
Sorry for the basic questions. Our frozen-&-burst one was a Bosch indoor propane tankless and we had it vented through the roof, so that space exists indoors but with the only access from an exterior panel. It was a pain to access to relight when air flow would blow it out or a guest would tinker with the hot valve on the shower, varying the flow rate across it. The access situation would be the same, so I'm hoping little regular access is needed. My husband had installed it, but he has since had a stroke and is "leaving everything to" me.
My suburban building and homesteading blog
I agree. Here's the link: |