Pockets added! I found a pair of dead jeans with great back pockets, complete with flaps. They needed buttons, so I robbed yet another pair of a couple of sturdy, metal ones, that fit perfectly. I cut with linking shears, as far around the outside of the pockets as possible, so they could be double pockets, with frayed edges, where they are sewn onto the skirt. I added a wide, but short rectangle of jean scraps where the buttons were to go, to patch the holes where the original buttons had torn out, but also wanted to add some strength to that whole upper edge of the pocket, to stand up to my pocket knives, pens, etc, being constantly slid on and off of them. It turns out that was one of the best ideas I had with this
project, because the skirt is so comfortable, functional, sturdy, and (imho) cute, that I'm wearing it ALL. THE. TIME. As in, I pout, when it needs washing, because I have to wait for it! I'm not sure if you can tell, but one of the things I've set this skirt up for is to have a couple of options for concealed carry, too. We've had warmer weather, in the 70s (F) this week, so I've gotten the chance to find out there's
enough width to the bottom of it, to allow for airflow, to keep me cool - but with warmer stockinged underneath, it's surprisingly cozy, when the tempos have dropped. I told John i'm going to need to make a couple more of these!