McKenzie FarmsMcKenzie Farms is a real gem and so is Mr. McKenzie. He gave me the grand tour and explained many of the ins and outs of growing citrus in our zone7b/8a.
Underneath a large row of willows there are rows and rows of, not only citrus, but a large variety of beautiful and many very unusual plants.
So many different types of citrus and other fruiting as well as ornamentals I could never list them all here.
He sells the Kiwi in sets of three, two females and one male; I brought home three very healthy looking plants. He also suggested two citrus for me and gave me directions for how to care for them.
He seems to be quite the expert so I told him what I was looking for – grow in the ground, not in a pot, want tasty fruit, and as for the kiwi, want the type purchased in the grocery store. Then I let him pick out the plants since he knows a heck of a lot more about growing them than I do. I have a lime and a mandarin.
I can
answer questions if you have them but for now I’ll just get these pics uploaded – it has been a long day around here. Oh, and I MUST go back for that pink grapefruit – I am really coveting that tree.