I offer these as food for thought for others and request input. Did I get the keypoint right??
should I tear down the farmhouse and start from scratch? how many type one errors??
If someone wants one of these properties and has a better use for it than I do I can give you the address, I had a sense not to throw the address right out there on the internet so purple message me.
I've looked at about a hundred pieces at least so far on the internet, either photos or satellite images, sometimes with the contour enhancer (contourcreator.com--really helpful resource, I hope it's accurate! certainly more informative than the regular Google terrain/topography map setting. Please consider making a donation to contourcreator.com on their Donate button!)
These are all in Vermont. This one is 107 acres; half are in the town that has maps, the other half just extends some ways beyond that dotted line, and I haven't managed to get a hold of a map of that part yet.). Farmhouse is reasonably good condition. Drilled well, which I would hope to replace with gravity-fed spring terrace.
Town map has weird
water lines going under the whole north half of property from east-west in a meandering pattern, about through the middle of that. I don't know what they are. Farmhouse is on a septic.
Intents for plan:
live in balance with nature
food self-sufficiency 80%, water, fuel, electricity 100%
0 toxic
fruit and nut
trees for self and community
fish--trout, perch, pike, or the like
chickens, guinea fowl, sheep; eventually cowsharing arrangement 3 head at least; ducks, geese, turkeys, game quail;
starch: chestnuts, walnuts, bullrushes, sunchokes, rice, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, wheat, or similar
freedom to contribute to arts and wellbeing in community, teach movement. build community every day.
Note: it's not marked on the map or visible in satellite but I observed a slight stream through culvert under the road that then wound east along the road and then south at the part where there's a line of trees.
(no idea how this ended up in "cooking," sorry about that, and I don't know how to get it out of cooking. maybe the universe is trying to tell me something)