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find religion! church
kiva! hyvä! iloinen! pikkumaatila
get stung! beehives
be hospitable! host-a-hive
be antisocial! facespace
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
Hi, I have neurological lyme disease. Lyme Disease is the lay term for MSIDS=multi systemic infectious disease syndrome. I have borelia, bartonella, babesia.nancy sutton wrote:OK, Lee... stop the teasing. What is it helping with? I've heard recently that it is more effective than resveratrol .... and I have tons of it... and it is spring! time to harvest, I think :)
Hi Dale,Dale Hodgins wrote:Try calling parks, natural resources and other government departments.
In England, people have lost their homes to this plant. Owners who introduced it are being held liable for cleanup and eradication on adjacent land. £300,000 was mentioned as the price of one job. This bankrupted the owner. Invasive plant surveys are now part of some property transactions. Lenders and insurers have refused deals where there is knotweed.
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
Gord’s work on CRISP (Capital Region Invasive Species Partnership), lead him to volunteer to track down an educational institution that would be willing to investigate a method to kill invasives using electricity rather than glyphosate. Presently glyphosate is used for stem injection on such items as knotweed. After many attempts over three months with the UVIC Biology department not one email or message was returned. Perhaps there is an engineering student that is interested in taking on this challenge? Someone at UBC or SFU? For more information on the concept, please contact Gord. Here’s a video on just how bad glyphosate (Roundup) is.
You're in the PNW too. Yes, similar climate for sure as England.nancy sutton wrote:Thanks a bunch, Lee, for sharing. I have a young friend who is wheelchair bound from ... Lyme Disease? or MS? He's been on a long journey....this may be very helpful ;)
And I know how invasive this is in our PNW and similar climates, as England, at al. Is the problem the solution? Hmmmm..... nothing like a challenge. I know some folks heat with a rocket mass fed with Himalayan blackberry prunings...
I couldn't agree more. The above may pose a safety barrier to harvesting for sure. I It's all simply a huge catch22 it would seem. I've known about Roundup a long time and it's bad stuff. Catch22's.R Ranson wrote:Hopefully I'm not sparking one of those pesticides are bad, cider press topics here (if you want one of those the cider press is always open). Just wanted to share something I discovered about Japanese Knotweed and the CRD (regional district where the thread is talking about for those of you not from the area).
This came in an email today:
Gord’s work on CRISP (Capital Region Invasive Species Partnership), lead him to volunteer to track down an educational institution that would be willing to investigate a method to kill invasives using electricity rather than glyphosate. Presently glyphosate is used for stem injection on such items as knotweed. After many attempts over three months with the UVIC Biology department not one email or message was returned. Perhaps there is an engineering student that is interested in taking on this challenge? Someone at UBC or SFU? For more information on the concept, please contact Gord. Here’s a video on just how bad glyphosate (Roundup) is.
Bolds and underline mine.
This is the video:
I'm not embedding it because I haven't seen it yet. Also I haven't any confirmation as to the accuracy of the above claim. It doesn't fit with the CRD parks people I use to know, but times may have changed and there is a HUGE movement now to eradicate invasive species.
The conclusion: this might pose a safety barrier to harvesting and using Japanese knotweed on Vancouver Island.
Now we know that pesticides may be actively used for knotweed control, how do we safely harvest it?
Hi, I have used Teasal in conjuction with Japanese Knotweed with absolutely no problems. Yes, they compliment each other very well.R Ranson wrote:Have you any experience using Japanese Knotweed in conjunction with teasel? Do they compliment each other or work against each other? I would love to hear your experience.
Hi, I'm glad your wife is progressing. Out of respect for this forum I'll answer yours or anyone elses questions through messages anytime to keep this thread about Japanese Knotweed.Jesse Brown wrote:I just reread this and realized you said your die off is nuerological. My wife has the same coinfections you have and has the nuerological die off too. Do you have leaky gut too causing food issues? She has a ton of anxiety and fear from the die off too as well as the brain fog plus other stuff. She's made huge improvement after seeing both a reiki woman who introduced her to muscle testing and releasing trapped emotions as well as a quantum biofeedback chick who's pretty amazing. She's gonna see another person soon to deal with the emotion issues this has caused if need be
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