Rebekah, welcome to the forum.
If you try popping them please let the forum know how this turns out.
It seems the seeds of the Illinois Bundleflower are best eaten by livestock and wildlife.
Illinois Bundleflower is a very important forb for restorations and wildlife habitat. As a legume, it helps to build the soil. It is winter-hardy, drought tolerant, and will grow in a variety of soils. Nutritious and readily eaten by all classes of livestock, Illinois Bundleflower will attract deer and game birds to any area where it grows.
My favorite seed source:
A leaf tea has been used in the treatment of itchy skin. Five seeds have been placed in the eye at night and washed out in the morning to treat trachoma
Seed - cooked. Rich in protein but without much flavour. The seedpods are about 25mm long and contain 3 - 5 small seeds