I don't know. it is a great idea and there is certainly
alot of value in regional information but i'm afraid everyone will get too spread out. maybe people from the nw wouldnt' even think to look at my posts in the southern regions even though they had plenty of useful information to offer about some issue or question I was having. I think its great that most if not all people put their location in the text picture box so we know right away what region the expereince is coming from. i'm picturing a few lonely people in each regional forum
it would be awsome if there were already a gazillion people posting but its just not quite there yet. we could each form our own little regional community at some point. this is timely. I was lamenting the other day that I couldn't find a good forum that was for our area and its particular issues. the few I found had such terrible formats that they weren't useful and were down right annoying.