C. Letellier wrote:Okay, what is the goal of the post? Help with repair? Encouragement to clutter for future goals ? Encouragement to declutter and go with a new machine? Encouragement to go back to a clothes line?
If help with the repair then model and serial number should be the first step, description of any diagnostic information you have seconid step?(symptoms, what you have tested, other information like noise etc)
The goal of the post was to share my experiences.
Since that post, we were gifted a fancy used dryer.
We were told it was gas, but it turned out to be electric.
I removed from one basement, and transported it to our
yard, then I removed the two derelict appliances from our second floor.
When I hauled the "new" dryer upstairs and plugging it in, nothing happened 😑.
Well, very little happened.
So I sulked, raged a little and went to bed.
A day later I came back to it, checked the circuit extensively, consulted the internet and took it apart.
Turns out it was broken when they gave it to us.
The tensioning wheel was laying inside under a carpet of dust, the bearing disintegrated along with the retaining clip.
A safety switch kept the motor and coils from operating while the belt was out of place or broken.
I was kinda mad, but also relieved.
A piece of hose became the new bearing, and two generic retaining clips replaced the the custom one.
It works.
Drama over- except I have two semi functional
laundry appliances to deal with.
Good problems to have.