I love Permies.com and I identified with a lot of the ideas here long before I ever found the site, however it was a subject that has not been mentioned in any permies forum that I could find, that encouraged me to join this community. Peak oil is not just a political idea, it's the scientific fact that fossil fuel extraction rates have peaked and are beginning to decline. Sad but true, the world as a whole is addicted to fossil fuels and there is no other
energy source that will meet the expectations of a way of life most people have grown accustomed to. Permies isn't dedicated to post government collapse prep and weapons stockpiling, but it is focused on living a more
sustainable life which will not be negotiable in the future as oil prices rise, and the economy slides deeper into depression.
I didn't mean for this to be a "up on a soapbox" sort of post, but I just wanted to share some good resources for information about this stuff, especially since oil companies, politicians, and even some media outlets seem to be blowing a smokescreen around the issue and making claims that just aren't substantiated.
The End of Growth by Richard Heinburg is probably the best book out currently on the subject, and he updated it to make it current up to 2011. It can be a bit of a difficult read, he's an economist and he references several dozen scientific studies.
The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunsler is a very interesting read, the author is much more of a cynic than Heinburg, but instead of focusing on substantiating his claims he goes into more detail of what the world is going to look like once the party is over with oil and it is too expensive for most everyone.
There are many more, but I'll leave those for personal discovery or upon request
http://www.postcarbon.org/ a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to educating people about energy and our dependence on fossil fuels. They have a Youtube channel you
should definitely check out, I'll try to attach one of their videos.