Jude Thaddean wrote:I live in Austin and I've got a small space on my balcony for pots where I'd like to plant some dwarf tomatoes, lettuce, and herbs this fall.
Any thoughts?
First, welcome to Texas. Second, we don't really consider Fall to be until December, so expect to plant much later than expected. Yes, you can get first frost in early Novermber. However, since you are container planting, you may have to cover your pots with plastic on some nights if the temperature is forecast to drop, but uncover them during the day. It is often the case we see 32F for a few hour overnight in December and then 75F by noon the next day.
I personally don't fool with slicer type tomatoes in the fall because they are fussy and I am not a big fan. I do find that cherry tomatoes do okay. Remember that tomatoes won't set fruit if over night temps exceed about 85 degrees. That will be your limiting factor for success.