A few thoughts/concepts.
Our monoculture farming tends to have us thinking "all or nothing." If I didn't plant it, it is a weed.
So the "till death us don't part," is farming monoculture terminology.
Our culture has been inundated with "SALES" talk. Throw it at the wall and see what sticks. The pic procedure.
What it tends to make common is the "promote yourself to get the best price."
So you get, "I'm the best Bee, any flower will be lucky to have me sting em."
"I"m the prettiest flower, all the
Bees want me, and I get to choose the stinger."
The capacity for "non truth" in these interactions is excessive.
Variety is the spice of life.
Corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, man I could really go for some green beans.
The seven year itch has killed more relationships.
Summation of player strategy:
I only get one shot at this, so I better make myself big, to find everlasting happiness. This is had a very small chance of success.
monoculture salesmanship people change