As people know on here, I print my own
books, of both hard and soft cover of full-length novels, memoirs, and children's books.
So far I really love how the soft covers have evolved, they look like novels you would buy off a bookstore shelf with embossed lettering, a nice glossy cover, and everything. I am happy with them.
As far as hardcovers go, I have got that worked out to a point. I can make the book block, head bands, leather covers and all that just fine, and they look good and are more gratifying to make then the soft covers, but then...
There are no dust jackets.
I know, most people toss them out anyway, but all efforts at trying to make a dust jacket have come up short. Literally, with the inside flap, bend, cover, spine, back cover, bend, and back flap: it is a 8 x 18 page that must be made. My printer can only print legal sized sheets (I think). I tried gluing paper together, but it came out rough. Then I tried making a spine and gluing to that, but it also came out rough. I know I can get a plotter, and maybe I will have too, but they are really expensive. It's just really frustrating. I got a perfectly good hard cover book, but with one it would just look so much better.
Any ideas on how to print something roughly 8 x 18?
(I have a Canon Color Image
Class LBP622CDW printer)