Hey folks, my wife and I had planned for a few Bartletts in the fruit guild groupings we are working on but hadn't planned on incorporating them until next season. I happened to notice 2 #5 Bartlett semi-dwarfs at
Tractor Supply yesterday on sale for $10 each. I noticed what I initially thought may be cold or wind damage and figured it was worth attempting to see how they'd do once in the ground but now I'm hesitant after learning about fire blight.
The last thing we want to do is jeopardize any other
trees. Both are still in pots, I've trimmed all twigs and what I'd consider a few branches that were either entirely black and shriveled or well on their way. Currently the trees have just started to push out leaves. It has been a particularly wet and cold spring here in KY (which is another reason I thought it was just weather related).
Here are a few pics of what I think (total newbie and purely based on comparing photos
online) may be fire blight cankers setting into the main stalks. Am I just being paranoid and if not, what would be the best way to help these two recover?
Thanks a TON in advance for any insight!