It has long been part of our dream to be co-creators of a truly loving supportive community, but the path from here to there has always been elusive. A few times in my life I've run across people who, during the short time I was in their presence, had that 'feels like family' vibe that made me want to build something more lasting together. Circumstances being what they are, that hasn't yet worked out except for when I met my husband, and our kids in turn. But I know it can happen, and that the people are out there, and it all comes down to bringing us all together in a way that works.
I've noticed that one method of seeking for compatible persons is to search out skills that complement yours until you find someone that you could effectively work your farmstead with. That at least seems like what the badges on this site are geared toward being able to do. But ultimately, what you seek is what you will find... and for me, no list of academic (or
permie) achievements could ever identify the vibe that tells me we could make a truly beautiful (and stable!) community together. When someone has that vibe, they belong... and we'll just enjoy whatever skills that brings to the whole as they come to us. But those are not our defining qualities.
What is it that characterizes such a vibe? I think it comes down to those who are living their authenticity to the same degree as we are. Or in other words, who are living their lovingness to the same degree of purity (or not) that we are living ours. It's a heart thing, not a mind thing.
How would you advertise for that, though? I don't think that'd be any easier than trying to advertise for a spouse... when all you can effectively present or write down are the academic elements that cannot define what you're truly looking for.
It seems to me that the best way to do this would be to simply put yourself out there - manifesting what makes you _you_ in as pure an expression from your heart as possible, and in as many ways as you can manage - and let that draw who it will. Sooner or later one hopes that this could (re)connect a family community together.
For what it's worth, the best offerings _I_ can currently think of to this end (however, _not_ specifically related to
permaculture, but I suppose by way of personality introduction) are in poem and story form, here: and here:
If you have any suggestions for building up a community of this intrinsic quality, I'd like to hear them.