We have pretty much finished our vermifilter septic system!
It won't be in operation for several more months, since we haven't built our house yet. But I did write up the details on our blog, and I am sharing in case others are interested.
Here is a blog post about our permitting process.
Here is another blog post about our build.
We will be taking
water quality data quarterly for at least the first year to assess the effluent coming out of the tank. We were required to install a drainfield for the purposes of our permit, but are also eager to see if the effluent is of a quality suitable for irrigation. (And no, our permit would not allow that, but the data would be good to have to push for wider regulatory acceptance of this type of system).
I am attempting to attach some photos but I am not always successful with that... they are a few of the photos from the second blog post above.
I also know I have started similar topics... I never know whether I
should add to those threads or start a new
thread, but since this is kind of a wrap-up of a completed system I thought it would be of more interest to folks who want to do something similar, and that they might find it more easily as a new thread. But I am open to guidance on that!!