posted 11 years ago
I had consider the same ( lespedanza ); but, was wondering if it is possibly something else, since it grows so tall. It is growing very well on the property and scattered throughout, with one large patch in a sunny opening in the loblolly pines. Maybe, some one else has it and knows for sure. The second is quite different from the short plants we call buttercups; however, since we did not know what it was we did mow it down since the goats and alpacas forage there. My guides which showed tall buttercup have a very different flower...the petals are all wide and rounded. The stuff we mowed was very thin and pointed. The other thing I noted was they grow from a low clump of long leaves, somewhat like an english daisy. I am sure it will be back next year; so I hope to know for sure...cultivate or kill, lol
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