I have not taken any
PDC courses..
I'm looking for a totally inclusive kinda deal, if it's right.. Trading labor for food/shelter(hopefully the food we'd be growing and a room) OR a JOB working at a place..
I would to be OFF GRID one day, so I am willing to make sacrifices on things like electricity/running water...
I can pitch a tent, if necessary..
I do not have any kids or pets or livestock..
I'd like to work on EarthShips, and all types of
shelters, and garden/farm.. I won't climb up cliffs/bluffs or go into really,really tight spaces..
I can go solo, if necessary depending on the task.. I can lead or follow, but have an independent spirit..
I hope to gain experience/knowledge that I can use to cut out my own off-grid lifestyle one day.
I provide creative thinking/problem solving, a strong work ethic, and very poor guitar playing, as well as Quick witted, sometimes dry humor.. I am a fairly decent sketch artist and have a lot of business sense(for what that's worth). I also have a strong sense of what's right/wrong, and that's priceless these days... I am a decent singer, as well..
Life is a struggle, and we get knocked down everyday, so I will always fail at something, and that will my signal to get back up, push harder/smarter and learn..
I'd love to work in tropical, sub tropical environments, but any will do, as long as the opportunities to grow and learn are present...
Thanks for your interest..