There is a school of thought that water is best stored in soil, and a close second is storage in decomposing organic matter that soon will become soil.
Piling coarse organic matter in long windrows on contour, and maybe covering these with soil, will speed infiltration, although of course this is best done where vegetation is thick and deep-rooted enough to hold all that extra weight onto the slope...I'm not a hydrologist or soil engineer, and take no responsibility for resulting mudslides.
earthworks might also help whatever you plant on/near them, with careful design.
"the qualities of these bacteria, like the heat of the sun, electricity, or the qualities of metals, are part of the storehouse of knowledge of all men. They are manifestations of the laws of nature, free to all men and reserved exclusively to none." SCOTUS, Funk Bros. Seed Co. v. Kale Inoculant Co.