I was going down the forum list the other day and realized I hadn't posted an Introduction, even though I have already started posting.
I found this place from hearing Paul speak on The Survival Summit put on by the PrepperProject in Spokane. He hooked me by talking my kind of thinking -
sustainable living.
I'm a retired Marine who grew up in the Flathead and returned in 2000 with my Bride (who I went to high school with), our kids and critters. I'm currently wage slaving as a traveling engineer in the semi-conductor industry. I grew up as a Cold War Kid, and a lot of my view of the world and things is colored by that
experience as well as my travels to lots of different places on this interesting globe. I've been a dirt worker for as long as I can remember, always having a fascination with the way things grow, where they grow and what's good to eat. I started practicing survival bushcraft as a pre-teen and we hunt and fish, raise some pigs for meat, raise some
chickens for eggs and we've been square plot gardeners forever. I heard of "permaculture" a while back and it has been part of my thinking for a long time, then I heard Paul talking about
Rocket Mass Heaters, HugulKultur and Wofatis - yowza! I heard an audible 'click' when the 100 watt
light bulb went on over my head. I'm hooked.
I've been thinking about the various acreages the Bride and I have scattered in and around this beautiful Valley we call home, and ways to bring this
permaculture stuff to life. Since we are coming out of the usual late winter deep freeze, now I just have to be patient
enough to wait for the last killing frost at Memorial Day to get started. I've had a hole in the ground on one of our properties in the mountains for ten years - the "cabin" was going to go there, now I'm thinking it will be a wofati. I've been working on making better habitat for our
native fruit
trees and bushes all along, but now I have more ideas on how to make this happen.
I appreciate the work that has gone into this place and hope that I will continue to provide positive inputs and show my own experimental results from the ideas that I gain here. It is always better to do something with a chance of success and fail, than it is to just sit there and fail. Learning is life.