Marianne, it does look nice in photo form, but I am certain the walk from the deck to inside involves either shoe removal or a ritual tread checking... Ha.
I personally listened to many on the subject of chicken fencing before settling with what none recommended... 4' chain link... No one recommends it because they can fly right over it. But with basic nail care, (wing clipping with only the problem birds) I have had essentially zero problem with my white rocks leaving their daily paddock. They also recognize the security and want to stay inside.
Thus, in your circumstance with the grapes, and the deck, maybe basic wooden
trellis (4' is fine especially with the added height of the grapes growing) around the deck. Then, possibly a basic gate even three foot at your stair locations or walk outs, that will slow their progress to the human space of clean feet? No electric needed.
Maybe my thoughts don't fit with your ideals, but chickens are easily grounded to a coop, and easily penned with proper nail care. And, please keep in mind if wing clipping bothers you; one chicken is often an example for the rest (at least in my
experience), thus, minimizing any extra stresses. Heck, that is how grade school works in this world...
Best of luck.