I've gotten Lyme disease...TWICE!
The first time, about two years ago, I practically had to beg my doc's nurse practioner to test me, she couldn't feel the swelling on my jaw that was there, my arms had started aching as well, I remember the tick, but no bullseye rash. Finally she agreed to test me for it when I mentioned that
Lyme disease is one of the MOST under-diagnosed diseases.
Called me a week later kinda excited, like "guess what you were right! You do have lyme disease"- I would've preferred to have been wrong. I switched doctors after that. Two rounds of doxycycline later and I have no effects...although I will alway test positive for it because I now have the antibodies, which gives you short term resistance but there are also various other strains of Lyme...so two months ago another tick, circled the bite with a permanent marker like I do for all bites, my area is absolutely infested with ticks due to ther
deer in the park adjoining my property and two dogs that bring them home from walks, they both have medical monthly protection with pills.
Anyway, sure
enough it bloomed into the classic bullseye...big red rash first and then finally the telltale rash. Another round of doxycycline and I'm fine...well except for getting cellulitus from building my Horno a month after the Lyme...another round of doxy...I'm afraid I'll become immune to it soon...