That's what I want - independent, small collectives of homeschool families with one or several permaculture teachers educating kids in permaculture in a service learning capacity.
Here's the plans so far (this is a draft and will be added to as I pin down our exact classroom site over the next 2 months):
Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively
Thank You Matt for all that you are working towards. I wish that programs like yours were available when I was a kid. Things would be... well... I'd be further along, I guess. I'm a stay-at-home-stead-school-dad and you inspire me to be more awesome. Thank You!
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
How Works Be Nice
Hi, I'm looking for land in nj or nearby that's not too close to sea level. Excludes almost everything south of rt 70. 2 acres and up. If you know if anything please send me pm. Thanks