When you do seedlings on the window sill, what direction does the window face, and how many hours of DIRECT light do the plants get?
My suspicion is that they get less than 6 hours of DIRECT light, and between the double glazing and possible shade from the window frame, or bushes or
trees outside the window, they don't really get the full intensity of the sun.
If there is little or no shading, and they get more than 6 hours of DIRECT sunlight, then it could be a "hardening off" problem. The indoor plants never
experience wind. If they go outside all at once, the wind beats them up because they never produced stems and leaves strong
enough, because they didn't have to.
I put an oscillating fan on a timer on my indoor starts. And then I harden them off by giving them small doses of full sun/full wind for the week or so prior to getting planted outside.
A google search for hardening off would get you a ton of good information.