I am not able to separate the males because they all free range together. Plus, as mean as they are to each other if they are not together they throw a fit!
I have looked in to getting more females some how but every place I have seen only sells as straight run, so I would still have to deal with extra males that I don't want unless I was incredibly lucky and got a straight run batch of all females. I also have had some very bad experiences with trading animals, even with people that I knew well and thought I could trust, so I really don't like the idea of giving/selling animals.
I have no problem taking an animal to be euthanized or calling a vet to do it if it is what is needed to prevent undue suffering to an animal, because I agree that if I am to take responsibility than that responsibility includes unfavorable situations in which ending a life is kinder than allowing an animal to suffer. However, if a vet euthanizes an animal then any meat that could be gained is now unusable. If I am going to end the life of a perfectly healthy animal I want it to not be wasted and I believe that using the meat from it would be the best way to do that (even if I am not the one that is going to eat it). BUT that is the part that I am not okay with. I just really don't think that I could kill them myself. I might have found someone that would be willing to come over and do it for me and help me learn how to butcher humanely, which is more and more looking like what is going to happen. I was just trying to give these jerks of birds
a chance at living a full life if I could help it since they do still do a good job at eating all the bugs!
I was also trying to get a feel for various options because I was looking into getting
dairy goats for the
milk, since I still use dairy at our place and I really would like my food to be as homegrown as possible. But I know that if I have goats that are producing milk I am going to have baby goats that I will need to do something with and I know that I will get way more attached to a goat then I would a guinea.