Hello all,
I have 85 pieces of comfrey
root and crown left over from a shipment I dug and sold this week to a contact from the Regenerative Ag FB group. I will now offer these pieces to all of you wonderful Permies! See photos below.
I anticipate putting
roots (and perhaps other plants - some
Black Locust or Rosa rugosa root suckers, anyone?) up for sale here on Permies next year as well, and yearly after that. I am not a commercial grower (therefore not certified organic), but establishment of my own suburban-scale
permaculture homestead is coming along nicely, and for the first time I definitely have excess to share. I recently saw my contact's post in Regenerative Ag organizing a group buy from one of the big commercial providers and thought "hey, I can provide them with some good comfrey for less $ than that!"
My comfrey is the sterile Bocking 14 cultivar of hybrid Russian comfrey. I originally purchased commercial roots over the internet 5 years ago, and my plants have been thriving and expanding ever since. In many places where I originally nursed a single plant along, I now have a small cluster. Bocking 14 is, as I understand it, slightly less deep-rooted than Bocking 4 (read: less drought resistant), but also less fibrous (read: better for chop-and-drop mulching) with higher allantoin content (read: better for herbal medicine). All Russian comfrey are sterile hybrids. They spread from their roots, and can also root themselves from cuttings of the flowering stems when used as chop-and-drop mulch. They are hardy perennials to 30" tall with lush, thick, dark green foliage and delicate pink/white borage-like flowers loved by
bees (more so bumble
bees than honeybees, in my observation). Plant them for thick ground cover, as a mulch maker, to attract pollinators, as a
medicinal, for soil improvement, and/or for nutritious animal fodder.
It is said that they thrive in heat, but that has not been my
experience. Rather, I find that they begin to droop whenever temps exceed 85, and by the end of my hot Southern summer they have almost completely disappeared, leaving only a few tiny green shoots amidst a fan of old leaves. But every Fall and Spring they burst back to life and fill my beds with massive green biomass again. My best results have been in a highly shaded spot where I also nurse cool season herbs like parsley through the year - in that spot I have chopped and dropped the vigorous growing comfrey as much as three times in one year.
You can order root/crown cuttings at $.50/piece, or have my lot of 85 pieces for $40. You pay actual shipping costs (via USPS Flat Rate prepaid box). I will ship inside a Ziploc stuffed with moist paper shreds. Best to plant right away, but they can be stored in the refrigerator for a while if necessary. I have found comfrey roots are nearly indestructible. In the past, I let a shipment sit around in ambient cool Spring temps for a couple of weeks in the box, then when I had to leave town and still couldn't plant them, I transferred them to a fridge. I returned to find frozen roots! Furious at myself, I nonetheless put the freezer-burnt, slimy pieces in the ground... and still got 80% or 90% to sprout!
Please post here and/or send me a PM with your order and address. And happy
gardening, everybody!!!
full size pic on freeimage.us
full size pic on freeimage.us
P.S. I don't understand: why can't I get permies.com to actually display anything but the thumbnail image?