I was attacked by bumble
bees while planting
trees today. Total of five painful stings (four on the head and neck and one on the arm).
While I was digging holes for planting, I hit a good sized rock that needed to be removed. A pile of rocks I had formed years ago for reptile and amphibian habitat was just a few feet away. I dug up the rock and tossed it onto the pile. The rock mound began to buzz...LOUDLY. I stood there and watched as 30-40 bumble
bees slowly exited and hovered over the rock pile. Rarely in my life have I been described as fast, but I'm pretty sure I set an Olympic sprinting record for the 100 yards or so to my back door. The bees chased and stung me four times before I could get inside. I tried to go out about 30 minutes later to retrieve my hat and some bare
root seedling trees I dropped during my escape. The bees were still waiting for me and got me once more in the head. This was only about 10-15 yards from my back door, so they were still protecting the nest nearly 80-90 yards away. An hour later was the same response but I avoided additional stings.
How long until the aggressive response of defending the hive stops?