vandana purohit wrote:
p.s. we've no pets.. but had got lot of in woodsy area...or it could be my husband brought home fleas as for last several weeks he had to work in people's homes and ran into lots of households with pets. we just dont know where it came from..maybe our 5 year old playing in slighly moist grass with squirrles/chipmunks around.. we've a racoon or two i see.. birds nest nearby. we live in Silver Spring, MD...close to Wash DC.
chip sanft wrote:
Given that you don't have pets, I'm wondering if the fleas won't just die out themselves for lack of food. Fleas have preferred hosts and people aren't usually them, at least not enough to maintain a bothersome level without animals, too (think of the Black Death and the necessary presence of rats, not fleas hopping from person to person).
Our dog, for example, gets fleas periodically in the summer but the fleas never bother us humans, just her. They don't even seem to spread away from where she lives. She's just that tasty to them. Maybe your problem will resolve itself?
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