I had to look up the commandments Greg, Here they are from wikipedia.
Booker T. Whatley
Thy small farm shalt:
I.Provide year-round, daily cash flow.
II.Be a pick-your-own operation.
III.Have a guaranteed market with a Clientele Membership Club.
IV.Provide year-round, full-time employment.
V.Be located on a hard-surfaced road within a radius of 40 miles of a population center of at least 50,000, with well-drained soil and an excellent source of
VI.Produce only what they clients demand—and nothing else!
VII.Shun middlemen and middlewomen like the plague, for they are a curse upon thee.
VIII.Consist of compatible, complementary crop components that earn a minimum of $3,000 per acre annually.
IX.Be 'weatherproof', at least as far as possible with both drip and sprinkler irrigation.
X.Be covered by a minimum of $250,000 worth ($1 million is better) of liability insurance.