Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:How large does it need to be? Some people stuff plushies with bits of fabric, but this will tend to be rather dense and heavy compared to polyfil. Bits of fleece fabric would be a little fluffier than say, old t-shirts. Reusing polyfil from pillows would be ideal.
Tyler Ludens wrote:Here's an elephant:
Tyler Ludens wrote:I'm happy to provide any other help and advice I can. This topic speaks to me as I make fake animals for a living, a terrible wasteful process which generates horrific amounts of trash. My work in this has been diminishing over the years and I eventually hope to phase it out.
Idle dreamer
R Ranson wrote: It's also natural and can be had for free in most parts of the world if you're willing to put a little bit of effort into washing and carding it.
Idle dreamer
I've been selected to go to the moon! All thanks to this tiny ad:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)