One counteroffer and it was what we expected them to do, so it was all good
Here's the topo map overlaid on the google map. I'm not 100% sure I've got the boundaries upon the hill north and east of the house correctly as frankly, I didn't climb up there to see exactly where the survey markers go, so I'm approximating from the old survey I have a photocopy of. (We're getting a new one done)
It's pretty sheltered and it has great water- year round creek with great flow! The trees across the road on the west side need some cleanup (it's about half wildflower meadow and half cottonwood, I'd like to encourage the meadow and limit the cottonwood, and I'm probably going to put a drylot paddock in over there for critters eventually; there's a small barn) By the house along the creek, I'd like to thin out the trees as well because frankly, it'd be a more useable space with a bit more openness, and there's a couple trees that are having their
roots washed out by the creek anyway so I'd rather get them down in a controlled fashion rather than them falling over the driveway inevitably at an inconvienent time....)
I am very excited, and also kind of apprehensive, because well, a lot to do before the move! The next few weeks will focus here on packing up my house to get it on the market.