I searched back and didn't find much on a topic that has been becoming more and more curious to me-
I have lots of wild
mushrooms where i live, am my interest is predominantly about turkey tail and oyster. I could wild harvest 10's of #s of turkey tail (TV) without making a dent. oyster (OP) flushes sometimes hit 20# a log.
this is all wild, and oyster vary yearly, TV is pretty steady. I want to stabilize and increase wild production of both.
I have lots of flush logs right now. It seems time to do this while iM cleaning up the woodlot and bringing down next years
firewood and mill logs.
we have all
stamets books, and more, None seem to go into a
fukuoka sort of wild propagation method. stacking up ricks and innoculating them isnt what IM after. MAking piles with loose structure and letting her rip is. I get
enough production for me, im looking for simple - almost incidental- ways to propagate.
Im curious to know if anyone has done wild seeding in non uniform piles or stumps, no drills, no wedges, just inoculated debris and some observed and thoughtful placement of innoculants. either OP or TV- I have both log ends full of mycellium and sawdust - IM not interested in farming them so much, though my apprentice dane is and I would gladly pass info on to him- as I said we have plenty of books, but were short on lab- and indoor- space.
just after that "its here I might as well use it" quick is best application.