Hi everyone, I need some help. My daughters are part of an all girl Lego Robotics team which means that they have had to build and program a Lego EV2 robot as well as come up with an innovative design
project which would have a positive impact on animals in some way. In December they competed at a regional tournament and their project was chosen as the best of the bunch which has allowed them to move on to the provincial competition at the end of the month in Toronto to face 17 other teams. If they are one of the top 2 teams, they then get to go to the international competition in St. Louis, Missouri to compete for the chance to actually see their idea developed as a product! Needless to say, they are very excited!
As part of their project the girls need to survey potential customers to see if they have a good idea and determine whether or not they need to make some changes. I have been a long time visitor to permies and have learned a lot here in the past few years so I thought that this would be a great place for the girls to get some advice!
The Project
We live on a small, 4 acre hobby farm and have anywhere from 20-40 layers at a time that are totally free range. One of the drawbacks of this is that they are always crossing the road. (I think there may be a joke here somewhere) Obviously this isn’t ideal and is a safety hazard for both the
chickens and the cars. As a result the girls came up with the idea of designing something that would frighten the
chickens away from the road before they got there by detecting them and playing predator sounds to frighten them away. This would be a device that could be moved around quickly and easily depending on where you needed it at any particular time such as ear the garden, porch etc.. I know we need something by the garden in the summer but the rest of the year I am more than happy for them to spend time scratching and cleaning it up for me. This would also be much cheaper than a
fence and they would still get all of the benefits of free ranging around the property. I will let the girls fill you in on the rest.
Our Design
Our device would detect the
chickens using a motion detector like the ones used on outdoor
lights or maybe by crossing a laser beam. Once it detected the chickens it would play a predator sound such as a raccoon, fox or hawk. The sounds would change each time so that the chickens would not get used to them and the whole device would be totally mobile with maybe a small
solar panel to charge the batteries. You could move it whenever you needed to and you could use sounds that are suitable for where you live.
Our questions are:
What challenges do you have with containing your free range chickens?
How do you keep your flock safe and contained right now?
What are your thoughts on our idea? strengths/weaknesses/other considerations
Thank you for all of your help and we will let you know how we do!
Kate, Chloe, Abby and Charisma