hi Janne,
I grow a lot of pawpaws both directly planted in the ground to overwinter and cold stratified in the fridge
here in west pa, if the winter is especially cold and the ground gets frozen without snow, germination will suffer
I put the seeds in the ground and cover with leaves to give them protection
these seeds will partially freeze and for the most part will germinate
I choose to go the fridge route because I have more control
no worries about animals digging them up, frost heaving bringing the up, too cold or too dry a winter
pawpaws, like other plants, produce a gazillion seeds, and are happy if a few make it
someone with only a few seeds or someone wanting to grow a gazillion plants may want to choose the fridge
I started my refrigerated seeds last week by first soaking overnight in warm
then put them in a holding box of 3-4 in of potting soil ( pointy side up covered with soil)
put in a warm place and kept moist
next month I'll start checking them to see if they have started to germinate (
root emergence)
those that have, I'll transfer to pots (with leaf sprout 3-4 months later)
some may not start to root until June!
don't give up on them if they look good and firm
good luck