Hi everyone
I'm new to fungi and am fascinated
I was thinking of getting a 120litre plastic bucket and filling it a 1/4 full of wood chips then inoculating it with oyster or button mushrooms
just wondering if this would work if it kept it hydrated
Hi Shane - This is a great idea for you! I'm sure you've found Paul Stamets of Fungi Perfecti by now for inspiration, and there are also passionate mushroom spawn suppliers who provide growing information. I'm just starting my outdoor mushroom bed this year, so I'm not much help to you yet - but I just bought spawn from Tradd and Olga Cotter of MushroomMountain.com in South Carolina (who I chose for climate similarity). Very nice people who love to teach and experiment - I'm sure if you email and tell them your goal they'd be happy to help with details. In their catalog they have basic instructions for container growing different colors of oyster mushrooms - sounds like fun! (I'm thinking small aquarium? I see them free on Craigslist from time to time) Best wishes and let us know how it goes - with pictures if possible :)
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