Sidney Beauchamp wrote:Hi all,
I'm new to the RMH seen and I have a few questions. I've been reading for a few months now and there are a few things I haven't found (clear) answers to.
For example, what does limiting the space between the riser and the top of the barrel do ? How does it affect the performance of the system. ?
Having a short riser cause an incomplete burn and not enough draft, what issues arises when the riser is to long ?
At first I started writing out how to calculate the area of outflow from the riser, but this post was getting a bit too lengthy. If you want I can post it in here later.
If the area of outflow is significantly smaller than the area of the riser then it will create a bottleneck which can cause draft problems and lead to smoke-back. Similar to how a bottleneck at the manifold connecting the barrel to the piping can cause issues. It seems critical to not choke the flow area of those points, so figuring out those numbers is important.
I believe you can use a much larger gap with less point heat on top for cooking and more of a stratification chamber to extract more heat quickly. This could be useful for places such as a
workshop where you want quick heat and are less interested in having a large thermal mass or keeping it warm all the time. I'd imagine at a certain point having a large enough chamber to heat input ratio would reach a point where draft issues could arise depending on the design, but I've seen a couple pretty large ones that appear to work fine.
I think the riser length has a similar principle to the gap; Going a little longer doesn't seem to hurt anything but going too short can cause problems. If it is longer then it should draft better. I remember seeing a paper on rocket stoves where someone tested a couple types with 1, 2, and 3 foot risers where there were measurable yet diminishing gains in draft and more complete combustion using taller risers. This was just for stoves, so there are other considerations when designing a heater. I don't think it would matter too much how long you make it with an insulated riser with little thermal mass. Making it several times longer than needed with a large mass, such as non-insulating castable refractory or brick, could sap enough heat from the riser to cause further issues. With an open chimney it isn't a big deal because of other factors, but trying to get the air to flow back down a really large barrel after being cooled off that much might not draft properly. I've had pretty good luck getting things to burn completely using a thin hotface of refractory on the inside of an insulated riser.
I learned a lot about refractory and insulation from backyard metal casting sites and forums. Some of the stuff from there and ways to calculate performance automotive exhaust can be directly applied to rocket stoves and
heaters. I even found a fuel injector calculator worked perfectly for measuring gravity fed drip irrigation output using rain barrels! It's really enjoyable to learn about all of this stuff! Good luck with your
project and share some pictures if you get a chance.