leila hamaya wrote:nice pics =)
and good thoughts =) i hear ya...
couldnt help but think of this...perhaps she's your long lost cousin or something ??!??
Hehe, don't think I'm related but I do love her music
Cherlyn Jones wrote:Thanks for reminding us how wonderful the rain is for ourselves and the land! It is holding us up from moving some things around, and we were getting a little annoyed, so it is good to just check that emotion and remember that without water there is no life!
Your welcomed!

But ya it can get annoying too at times but I like to try to remind myself of the importance of rain. My place has a seasonal stream and I love watching how it changes with rain fall. It can go from a slow trickle to a fairly large and fast moving stream in a very short time. But I'm also held up by rain at times - I try to do other tasks like planting bareroot plants when it rains. If I'm organized
enough I will save some tasks for rainy days and some for nice days - seems like there is always some
project inside to do too
A song that I really like is: John Gorka - Houses in the Fields
One of the lines talks about there being "no prayers for steady rain this year" as the farms are replaced by houses. Sad but beautiful song - I like songs that tell a story.