Hello! My name is Josh - I am new to the forums here, but have been poking around over the past few weeks.
I have yet to come across a post on urban homesteading and thought it would be a great topic for open discussion.
I am curious about the possibilities of homesteading and
permaculture within or close to a
Some areas of exploration:
law and policiescollaboration with urban farmssimultaneously maintaining a city job and homesteadrepurposing buildingscommunity outreachsolutions to the limitation of spacebicycles, bicycles, bicyclesrainwater collectionexchanging locally made itemshydroponics or other alternative growing systemsworking with a small yardgenerating energyzero-waste living
Seeking anyone with personal experience, expertise, general knowledge, or ideas!
My interest lies in the ability to create a self-sufficient lifestyle while pushing the community of a city toward its own
sustainability. As much as I love the idea of separation from the city, I can't help but feel some sort of purpose in staying. Without forward-thinking and
active people in deeply established places, change occurs much too slowly to stay ahead of an inevitable detriment. Adaptation seems increasingly important (well, it always has been) - especially given the lack of resources that many of us have. If there was more support for like-minded people in cities, perhaps there would be more development for urban homesteading to exist.
So what are your thoughts? Do you think mid- to large-sized urban environments have too much of a foundation for things like homesteading and horticulture to break into? If not, where do you see potential?