Hi Erin; Welcome to permies and congratulation's on your decision to study rocket science and begin your journey to becoming a rocket scientist!
First thing you will need is a copy of the
RMH Builders Guide. Hands down the best book available and the best money you will spend on this
project. Written by Ernie & Erica Wisner. Acknowledged master builders with over a 1000 builds across the country. Readily available from them directly or thru Amazon. It will teach you the proper terminology, so you know what we are talking about and it will
answer just about any questions. Buy it and spend the time to read it cover to cover. Marking pages with tape ears where critical info is for easy reference. Believe me … you can trash a book with
cob covered hands looking for a certain page.
1000 square ' with a central brick chimney !!! Like they knew you would come along and want to install a RMH! Its perfect ! No matter which style of rmh you choose to build, it is going to be awesome and you will LOVE having one. Next summer will find you walking about telling complete strangers how awesome rmhs are ! Quite a few will look at you like you just escaped from the state hospital... BUT there will be a few, intelligent free thinking individual's (Permies) who get big eyes and start asking questions and end up asking if they can come see your RMH and how do they build their own!
I agree with the others that your space is best suited for a brick bell rather than a bench.
Your laminate flooring
should probably be removed where the stove will sit, and you should put at least 2 " eps foam board down to keep your heat inside rather than heating the earth.
As you learn about rmh you will want to decide, if you would prefer a simple J tube rmh or if you want to build the newer design Batch box. J tube is easy to build , Batch box is harder to build but burns hotter and uses
wood laid horizontal rather than vertical like a J tube.
Myself, I have 2 RMH's I have built. Both are 8" J tubes. One is a standard bench with piping buried under cob and rock. It is in our
greenhouse / artist studio. Zero insulation in a plastic room we have no fire all night long ... room is ALWAYS well above freezing and we use less than FIVE cord of wood..... heating all day every day ... in northern Montana . Coldest that room has been was 35F one -14 morning.
My newest stove is in my auto shop , also an 8" J tube design. I built using a brick bell there to save space . It works better than any expectations I had when starting.
I did build it using the newest products avalable in rocket science. Ceramic fiber boards and Morgan super wool ceramic blanket. Cost goes up several hundred dollars when using ceramic products but the ease of use and performance is worth every penny if you can afford it