frank li wrote:When wiring, it is best practice and should be s.o.p., all grounding landed first, especially before introducing live conductors.
frank li wrote:You can get that anywhere the line is loaded. If you open a switch or breaker feeding that line, there should be nobody home.
frank li wrote:What inverter do you have in place? With some inverters you will have an odd response.
frank li wrote:Is it that your lines are split between services? Ther is something im not getting. I am unfamiliar with european electrical. Still.
Do you have 2 conductors and a ground?
frank li wrote:I get it now. All should be fine. Just make sure you land the terminals with the right conductors indicated in the manual. Its like split phase no neutral. Except the ground. The ground is neutral. Do not short your inverter.
frank li wrote:Make sure protective earth is terminated with all equipment on one end and the ground electrode(s) on the other like a tail poked in the ground and it will be safe as can be so long as it has ground fault protection.
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