Agree with FAVAS, CRIMSON CLOVER, FIELD PEAS, RYE (though its hard to work)
And with the suggestion to plant more than one... better weed supression and insurance to
RYE can be a beast to work if not put to early crops.
Also consider:
POPPY - yes that kind, recommended by Solomon.. haven't started yet. supposed to have tap root and tolerate low nutrients and produce a protein crop in early summer.
CHICKWEED - weed, good cover, edible, weak rooted, good as natural supplement to seeded cover
MUSTARD family - wilder strains can work nice for sopping up nutrients and giving a yield sprouting broccoli, kale...
move fast... its getting late! My crimson clover/fava/fieldpea mix just germinated in 3-5 days, but every day late might add another day of wait depending on what the weather does.