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What is a Mother Tree ?
sarrathefletcher wrote:
I gather that "bump" means something like get outta here. Okay. 'bye. I'm gone.
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kiva! hyvä! iloinen! pikkumaatila
get stung! beehives
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What is a Mother Tree ?
Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
Travis Philp wrote:
Question 1: I've struggled with this one myself. What about running the beds on a diagonal instead of straight east-west, or north-south? Just a thought
Question 2: This method works well for cold climates. I'm in central ontario canada which is zone 5, and our hugelkultur beds perform well.
osker wrote:
What part of Cook Inlet? I used to live in Homer.
I'm a bit confused about the sunlight coming from the north. That's not possible. At that latitude the sun is at a relatively low southerly angle even on the summer solstice.
look at all commercial greenhouses in the area, they all run east-west.
To make best use of the summer sun you would want an arc shaped bed pointed due south.
Do you have a lot of Alder? That would work well as it's nutrient rich, small branch sizes (breaks down faster) and can be managed as a coppice.
What about blueberries or currants on spruce hugel beds? What about chipping the spruce and growing conifer eating mushrooms on it (there's a species of chicken of the woods that grows prolifically on spruce up there)?
He repaced his skull with glass. So you can see his brain. Kinda like this tiny ad:
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