Well, to give another side to the Mike Holmes show, he has never to my knowlege suggested that people should live in 5000 square foot homes with complicated roof lines and exotic materials manufactured and/or imported from who knows where. His show is simply dealing with the problems people sometimes run into who aspire to those sorts of houses for whatever reason. Imo. it isn't really reasonable to expect him to go in and expound on the silliness of it all. That isn't what he does.
He also isn't in a position to change codes. He might well be willing to get on board with some sort of movement to modify some of them but since he makes a living correcting things which have become disasters because contracters haven't followed the code this might again be expecting too much. The homeowners are already in a state of extreme stress, it wouldn't be helpful to them to point out that they were idiots to have built such a house in the first place, code or not, and he would soon be out of a show. I'm not sure that would be very productive.
There ARE other people out there doing stuff like Dan Phillips who has people with no building
experience at all help build their houses using 70-80% recycled materials. He has seen his share of hassles but I suspect he does mostly make sure that houses are built to code or that he has official sanction for variance. The thing is he is a trained architect so understands when things can be swapped out for other things and still stay safe. He has some very insightful comments to make about the building industry. His TED talk is here if interested.
http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_phillips_creative_houses_from_reclaimed_stuff.html There is also Habitat, Houses for Humanity organization which allows people to learn through volunteering how to build houses, albeit conventional ones. They operate in most major cities nowadays.
I do agree that the manufacturers have lobbied to the point that some codes are bizarre. My house has 70 amp wiring and when I moved in I was told I could have 60 or 100 or 200 amp but not 70 as it was no longer code. I asked them to explain how it could possibly make sense that I could put LESS amperage in and be code compliant and eventually the inspector figured it wasn't a tenable situation and gave approval. It was otherwise going to cost me about $2000 just to bring the change into the house not counting any wiring actually beyond the junction box.
The problem is the same for agriculture as it is for the building industry and likely others as well; the people making the rules are POLITICIANS and don't know ANYTHING about the subject they are writing the laws about. Or, if they do have some experience in the field, it tends to be conventional..as in heavy reliance of fertilizers and chemicals in agriculture. So they ask and who they ask tends to be the big industry players, people who have axes to grind. John Deere and such equipment companies and Monsanto and other chemical companies in agriculture are regarded as the experts in the field, not a small group of oddball people in a niche market.
This is certainly partly as a result of marketting convincing people that unless they use the latest gadget or system they will be in line for disaster so these companies gain traction because they can point to the numbers of people using those gadgets or systems. This is to some degree the same in the building industry. This led to the widespread use of aluminum wiring in many houses 40 or so years ago, when inattention to the behaviour of aluminum vs that of copper and the interaction between the two led to all sorts of problems. Yet I saw the other day a suggestion on a website suggesting using aluminum wire to extend an electrical system with copper wiring, without suggesting in any way that there might be special problems which would need to be addressed in such an arrangement. If someone points out that that won't pass code, it might save someone from losing their house, as many did before the problems were considered instead of just the cost savings of aluminum vs copper.
I've heard that several months ago that there was now more information (good and otherwise) on the internet than was the whole sum of information in all media including
books, in human history up to that point, and the rate of posting is increasing daily. People already live busy and stressed lives so they look to "experts" to do what they don't feel up to learning how to do themselves. I have known several academics who didn't even know how to change a tire or light a furnace pilot light and said, quite reasonably, that that wasn't their area of expertise. They operated within their area of expertise and earned
enough money to pay someone expert in whatever other area to take care of things in that area. But then they have no intelligent thing to offer on anything OTHER than their area of expertise. So how would it make sense for them to make public policy in areas outside their own?
It surely makes no sense that the stakeholders should NOT have a say in policy making? Just look on the internet in the "FAIL" categories and you can see all sorts of examples of what sorts of things would be happening everywhere if everything was a free for all. I suppose if you believe that Darwinianism should be the guiding principle then perhaps but that seems a bit severe to me.
The fishermen on the east coast warned the government YEARS before the cod fishery collapsed that it was going to unless the rules were changed, but the government "experts" whoever they were, insisted they knew better. Those "experts" and the government officials who acted on their advice instead of the people actually in the industry, should be held directly accountable and everything they own should be confiscated to partially compensate the fishermen who lost everything as a result of the collapse of the cod fishing.
The same result should apply, imo for the people who gaily went ahead with making code laws which resulted in new buildings which complied with those having to be torn down or undergo extensive renovations to fix the resultant problems. I see the problem not as the stakeholders having input but that the people responsible are never held responsible, in spite of lawsuits all over the place.
Politicians are NOT held responsible for the decisions they make which become law. If there turns out to be a problem, then the government throws (taxpayers) money at it until it either goes away or at least temporarilly shuts up. There is more public outrage over a dui conviction where no one (luckilly) is hurt, than there is over a decision which negatively impacts thousands of people or more. Possibly because in any government decision everything can be bounced around through so many bureaucrats that it seems to become an exercise in futility, with at best generally ending in some poor shmuck way down in the bureaucratic food chain being thrown to the mob. This is a scenario where I tend to the view, fire them all and let the courts sort it out. This would tend to make lawmakers look a little more carefully for the downsides of any new thing which was being touted as a cure for something many of them didnt even think about as a problem in the first place.
And..any company bringing deliberately incomplete, false or misleading results of scientific studies as support for their product should have their company CEO and President thrown in jail for at least two years (which makes it a federal crime) - and not the country club type of jail either - automatically, like the automatic jail terms for people caught with drugs. They should also have their assets seized and sold to compensate for the damage, AND their company banned from bringing anything forward to get permitted for at least 10 years. If they try to get around this by going through another company, both companies are to lose their license to operate at all. If this is hard on their employees, then ..life is tough..perhaps the employees should be allowed to take over the company, rename it and try to do better.
As you can tell, I think that the problem is not that stakeholders have input but that neither they nor the politicians who put their products into use and indeed sometimes mandate those products to be used are being held personally and truly accountable. I think if they were, due diligence might become due diligence and not just sound bytes.